A downloadable Valors sold for Windows

The game for the Game Jam is GMTK 2023 in the theme "role reversed", where you play as a shopkeeper.

The roles are reversed when, instead of playing as the knight, the one who will play the adventure game shopkeeper, who will face danger, you play as the shopkeeper, selling weapons to the knights to make them face danger.

You play as a shopkeeper in a medieval town. Your wish is to become a knight to face danger, but you don't have enough money to start, so instead of facing danger, you sell equipment to knights to make them face the danger and bet on their survival to make money.

You need 1000 Gold to win.

You sell the weapons by looking at the chest on the counter, then you need to bet on the right side of the shop for new client to come.

Control  :  

- Keyboard :

  • WASD = Movement
  • E = Use
  • ESCAPE = Pause menu

- Controller :

  • Left joystick = Movement
  • bottom round button = Use
  • Menu right button = Pause menu

Game by Pixeleur studio


Latest version - Version 0.3 447 MB
PostJam Update 445 MB
48h version GMTK2023 386 MB

Install instructions

Install : Either install using the itch.io app or download files, unzip, open the .exe file. The game should start automatically

Development log

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